Final Learning Project Assessment

As the semester comes to an end, many projects are due and the majority require reflections and assessments on the acquisition of knowledge. For my ECMP355 learning project, I chose to learn the Italian language. I planned on doing so with the help of a Google App named Duolingo, in addition to trying to connectContinue reading “Final Learning Project Assessment”

Italian Lessons

After much struggling during my last “preposition session”, I went on YouTube to try to find Italian lessons that related to prepositions, successfully. The first video contained really simple prepositions that I already knew how to use, but it was still helpful to watch it and review before attempting to complete my unit. Not beingContinue reading “Italian Lessons”

Active Learning All Around The World

I highly enjoyed this talk by Daphne Koller where she tells us about the importance of online learning communities, more specifically via online courses offered by big universities for free. This is possible through the online platform Coursera where 545 free courses are offered and already taken by 5,599,670 students. We explored this website with ourContinue reading “Active Learning All Around The World”

Curriculum as Narrative and Community: How I Contributed to the Learning of Others

As the semester comes to an end, it is fairly important to look back on the interactions that were made with classmates, instructors and presenters, either online or during face to face discussions, and reflect. To reflect on the thoughtful and critical interchanges one has had with others and to find out how this mightContinue reading “Curriculum as Narrative and Community: How I Contributed to the Learning of Others”

The Headaches That Standardized Tests and Curriculums Can Cause

Standardized tests and curriculums are elements that have been the focus of many educational debates. Curriculums are made by the Ministries and authority figures, and are filled with standards that teachers and students need to meet in order to succeed on the standardized test, which is meant to measure the student’s capacity to retain theContinue reading “The Headaches That Standardized Tests and Curriculums Can Cause”

Class Curriculum, My Curriculum, And Learning Through Crisis

At the beginning of my ECS 210 course, we were asked the following question: What is curriculum? As a classroom, everybody raised their hands in turn to give a characteristic of their own definition of curriculum, what curriculum meant to them. The prof in front of the lecture theatre wrote these on the blackboard andContinue reading “Class Curriculum, My Curriculum, And Learning Through Crisis”

Curriculum as (Online) Community!

First of all, I would love to say that this is a subject that I find very interesting as I am currently learning about many technological tools that I can use in a classroom in the course of my ECMP355 class. The learning process is currently shifting. As preservice educators, we are currently learning howContinue reading “Curriculum as (Online) Community!”

Everything is Possible

Last week, I watched a TED Talks by Ken Robinson and was very inspired. In his presentation, Ken Robinson explains “How to escape education’s death valley”. As he states, the education legislation in the United States “No child left behind” is very ironic. There are millions of children left behind, there are millions of childrenContinue reading “Everything is Possible”

Being a “Good” Student and Learning Through Crisis

In Kumashiro’s Against Common Sense chapter 2, we are introduced to different views of a “good” student and how it is possible for teachers to teach through crisis. According to common sense and mainstream society, a good student is a student who sits quietly in the classroom, who listens to the teacher and retains the information, someoneContinue reading “Being a “Good” Student and Learning Through Crisis”

Learning Project!

Here we go. This is me, telling you what I’ve chosen to do for my learning project, why I chose this particular subject and how I will be documenting it. In the course of my ECMP355 class, we are assigned to pick a certain skill, language or an instrument that is meaningful to us andContinue reading “Learning Project!”